Monday, September 13, 2010


So, we are supposed to write a response to today's lecture. I have to admit,  I was really tired today, so my attention span was lacking. I don't know what my problem was, I was fine in the class before, but when I sat down in my seat for today's class, I just immediately became exhausted....I'm not saying in any way, shape or form that the class is boring, I just didn't have the energy today for some odd reason.

However, I did find the conversation about how we see things when we are walking forward to be intriguing. When we are going somewhere, we really don't always pay attention to what's happening in front of us, just where we are going or what is on our minds at the time. It's true for life as well, as we learned today. We are so stuck on the destination, we don't always pay attention to the journey. Paying attention to the journey is something I do plan on trying to get better at in the future. I'm not quite sure how to do that though. I've heard the expression before and I've never really thought about it until now and I sure haven't thought of how you do that. There are a lot of expressions out there that are said all the time, but sometimes I wish there were instructions for them too...

On one last note, I have to say something. I enjoy driving on highways. I'm sorry, but I feel the need to defend highway driving. Reason number ONE: I like driving fast. Reason number TWO: I like driving fast while listening to some rockin' music. Today's pick was Motley Crue and Poison. It pumps me up in the mornings and after a long hard day, it helps me blow off steam. I know that wasn't the point, but like I said, I felt the need to defend why I enjoy highway driving :P

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