For this new assignment, we were told to find inspiration in something someone else finds inspiring. Dylan was the person who sent his inspiration to me. He showed a picture of a growing beard and said it inspired him because it was done well and showed a passage of time. So for my project, I deiced to work in Spore to show an evolution of a creature and give a short summary of it's story. So here it goes:
These creatures come from a cold, snowy world. (Image 1)First, they start out in the arctic cold water as these tiny, zippy little things. They have some protection from enemies, but mostly, they like to have flair! The little phalanges on the top of their heads serve little purpose except for attracting mates. They have large eyes to better see enemies and are quite quick to escape them. Their color is made to blend in to the water. A couple hundred thousand years later (image 2), they have been doing well and moving up the evolutionary chain. They grew bigger and found out how much they loved to eat and became fat. They grew flipper to help those bulbous bodies to move through the water more. They still haven't lost their sense of flair because they have those hair like phalanges on the top of their heads still. Even more time passes (image 3) and they become even bigger and grow legs to walk on land. They still have flippers to move through the water. However, as they keep eating, their senses and structure become only for eating. They lose eyesight and gain nose power and hearing. But they are starting to become more of the hunted. They are slow and lazy and they stick out in the snowy, rocky terrain. As these creatures almost become extinct, they evolve again (image 4). They now know what's more important and instead of flair, they go for senses. The hairs on their backs are their super senses. They lost some of those pounds and got some arms help them defend against enemies. They become more whitish so they blend into the environment more. They finally grow in numbers again and want to be on top again (image 5). So now, they have even more ways of defending and fighting. They claw and bite their way to the top of the food chain once more. Since they are now on the top, they can have some more of that flair they loved so much!
So that's what I came up with. A history of a single creature through the good times and the bad! As I was doing this assingment, it made me think about our evolutionary paths. Not necissarily the human race and millions of years of change, but just in our own life times. As we grow up and time passes, what things do we lose? What things do we gain? Do either of those make us better or worse? Just a thought
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